Monday, November 18, 2013

Web designing

what is website

website is a set of related web pages served from a single web domain....

Uses of website : A web site is a great sales multiplier for any product or service, business to consumer or business to business.
Generate "live" leads - Get them while they're HOT! No waiting to mail out the marketing information to potential customers and let your prospect cool off.
Your website is a dynamic multimedia sales tool and can include video and audio plus a wealth of company and product information. Your sales force can directly interact with a customer online!
Increased hours of operation and more sales through e-commerce Your website works for you 365 days a year 24 hours a day and is available not only locally but globally as well.
  • Social Media - Communicate with your clients and have them recommend you to others. If you have a facebook account and "like" our services and information. W3softpro.
  • Referrals from e-Mails - Having a web site makes it easier for your current customers to recommend your product or service to others
  • Instant leads and information gathering - Use online forms so customers and clients can contact you with any remaining pre purchasing questions.
  • Website, product and service feedback. You can be supplied with valuable and instant feed back on existing product or services and even comments on your company website..
  • Visitor surveys - Survey your website visitors for products and services your thinking about adding. When your company is considering what new products or services to offer in the future an online survey can give you valuable insights.
  • Online Advertising, Sales and Viral Marketing through Social Media

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