Sunday, November 24, 2013

NSA infected 50,000 computer networks worldwide with malware

The US’ National Security Agency reportedly hacked 50,000 computer systems globally and infected them with malware, according to the classified documents revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The latest claims come from a digital presentation slide, which show a world map highlighting hard computer networks and ‘world-wide implants’ under the category.

CNE (Computer Network Exploitation), NSA jargon for malware infections.
According to Mashable, NSA’s elite hacker team conducted these sophisticated spy attacks on networks including the one against Belgian telecom company Belgacom that was carried out by NSA’s UK ally, the GCHQ.

The report said that CNE includes enabling actions and intelligence collection via computer networks that exploit data gathered from target or enemy information systems or networks.

The ‘implants’ act as digital ‘sleeper cells’ that can be activated with a single push of a button.
The revelations by Snowden have severely impacted US ties with its allies apart from experiencing loss of trust from its own citizens. 

Another cyclone Lehar to cross Andhra Pradesh on 28th November

Just days after being hit by Cyclone Helen, Andhra Pradesh is bracing itself to face another cyclone, Lehar, which would cross the coast on November 28, the Met office said on Sunday.

"Cyclonic storm Lehar will cross the Andhra Pradesh coast between Machillipatnam and Kalingapatnam near Kakinada on November 28," the Indian Meterological Department (IMD) said. Under its influence, rain or thundershowers would occur at many places over Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and coastal and south interior Karnataka, IMD said in its weather outlook for four days from November 27 to December 1.

At least six people were killed and crops in 1.69 lakh hectares of land damaged under the impact of Helen earlier this week. Damage caused by last month's Phailin storm in Andhra Pradesh is still being assessed.
Cyclone Lehar in the Andaman Sea and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal has underwent the first of a series of stepped-up strengthening cycles. 

According to US Joint Typhoon Warning Centre, Lehar packs howling winds clocking more than 100 km/hr with gusts of up to 130 km/hr. 

An India Met Department update early this morning said the system crossed the Andaman and Nicobar Islands just after midnight last night. 

Dense storm
Joint Typhoon Warning Centre of the US Navy located the system to 1,230 km east-southeast of Visakhapatnam after it slowed down a bit lateral speed over waters.
It said Lehar represented a dense structure and a dangerous system in the making with intensification into a very severe cyclone expected anytime today.
The storm may just be developing an ‘eye’ feature in the centre, which is indicative of a stage just ahead of strengthening. 

Odd forecast
According to the US agency, the storm will track west-northwest, which is the normal track for the movement for a cyclone system in the northern hemisphere.
But an odd projection by the UK Met Office suggests that Lehar might deviate from this path and aim at Odisha/West Bengal coast after sometime.
Consensus projections by other models maintain that the storm will intensify into peak intensity of 185 km/hr by Thursday ahead of a landfall over Andhra Pradesh coast.