Saturday, November 30, 2013

India's economy grows faster than expected

India's economic growth rate picked up strongly in the second quarter, according to official figures.
The economy expanded at an annual rate of 4.8% in the July-to-September period, up from 4.4% in the previous quarter.
The acceleration was faster than analysts had been expecting.
Asia's third-largest economy has been weighed down by various factors, such as high inflation, a weak currency and a drop in foreign investment.
This is the fourth quarter in a row that India's annual growth rate has been below the 5% mark, and the previous quarter's rate of 4.4% was the lowest for four years.
Earlier this year, the Indian prime minister's economic advisory council lowered the growth outlook for the current financial year.
It now expects the economy to expand by 5.3% this year, down from its earlier projection of 6.4%.
Growth hurdles
India's economy has been hurt by a range of factors in recent months, including a slowdown in key sectors such as mining and manufacturing.
Slowing growth, coupled with a recovery in developed markets, such as the US, has made India a less attractive option for foreign investors.
Speculation that the US may scale back its key economic stimulus measure has seen investors pull money out of emerging markets, such as India.
This has affected India's currency, which dipped nearly 25% against the US dollar between January and September this year.
Though the rupee has recovered a little since then, it is still down about 13% against the dollar since the start of this year.
That has made imports more expensive and contributed to a high rate of consumer inflation, which was 10.1% October, up from 9.84% in September.
High food and fuel prices have contributed to inflation becoming "entrenched", finance minister P Chidambaram said.
As a result, the central bank has had to raise the cost of borrowing in a bid to curb inflation.
The latest interest rate rise in October saw the key rate increase to 7.75%.
Some observers argue that high interest rates are hurting businesses and households, and having a negative impact on the economy.
"A combination of weak investment, high inflation and tight monetary policy would not let India's economic recovery gather steam any time soon," Miguel Chanco, Asia economist at Capital Economics, told the BBC.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Top 5 Best Mozilla Firefox Add-ons /Extensions

1) WOT
This is one of my best addon which I have listed top extensions for google chrome as well and now for fire fox also.
Web Of Trust is a huge community that rates and appraises a vast majority of the popular Web. It was incredibly popular over on Firefox.For every page you can view its 'scorecard' using the extension's icon in the top right of your browser, pop open the extended details.This extension will give you the details of How Trustworthy a website is and it also gives the info whether a website contains malware,spyware etc.


Saved Password Editor is a Firefox addon designed to enable you to manage your passwords.This extension is mostly useful to work around certain sites that disable password saving. There exist things such as bookmark lets that try to knock out such code but they don't always work. As a last resort, you can use this extension to enter the information manually.


Firebug is a small Firefox extension that gives you total control when it comes to editing, debugging or monitor HTML, CSS or JavaScript on any web page.
When it comes to website editing, Firebug automatically activates the HTML, CSS and DOM tabs as soon as you open it. Keeping the other features disabled helps reduce the extension fingerprint on system resources and also keeps you focused on the important things.

4) Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is an extension that will help you get rid of the ads and banners on the internet that make the loading time of a webpage a lot higher,Right-click on a banner and choose "Adblock" from the context menu - the banner won't be downloaded again.,Maybe even replace parts of the banner address with star symbols to block similar banners as well,Or you select a filter subscription when Adblock Plus starts up the first time, then even this simple task will usually be unnecessary: the filter subscription will block most advertisements fully automatically.

5) Grease Monkey

Greasemonkey is a Firefox add-on which will offer you the possibility to personalize the appearance and functionality of webpages,hundreds of scripts are already available for free.
The purpose of Greasemonkey is to manage user scripts. User scripts allow the user to control the way they use the web, by customizing it with scripting. The Greasemonkey extension won't do any good without any scripts installed.

How to make a computer to speak your words

1.Open your notepad.
2.Copy the below code and paste it in your notepad.

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

3.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs on your desktop.
4.Double Click on speak.vbs and type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak to you.........

5.Enjoy the funny trick..Keep visiting.

How to send large files(more than 25MB) through email

By using Dropbox, we can send large files(more than 25MB). You can also try Dropbox application to send files via e-mail. Recipient doesn’t need to sign up with Dropbox in order to download the attached file. You need to follow the following steps to send files via e-mail using Dropbox.

  • Go to, click on Download now button and Dropbox gets downloaded in your computer.
  • Install Dropbox and create a new Dropbox account with your e-mail id and a password.
  • A new folder with a name Dropbox will be created.
  • Drop the file into Dropbox folder that you want to send.
  • Right click on that file and click on get link option in the Dropbox option. 
  • Allow Dropbox to upload your file, a new browser window will open to upload your file.
  • When your file is successfully uploaded then Dropbox application will give you a message in the task bar.
  • Again click on the file in Dropbox folder and click on get link option in the Dropbox option.
  • A new browser window will open asking for the e-mail id and message that you want to send with the file.
  • After writing the e-mail id and message click on Send button and your file is sent.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Google funny tricks

To see your own name or text instead of google then just type "Google Logo" in search box

and click on first result you will navigated to and there enter your name or any text in search box and the click "create my search page now" button like below , here in case of "w3softpro" you can write your own name and press enter

Finally you will get the result like this

How to Tag all your Friends on a Facebook Status in a Single Click

Today here I am back with a special trick on "How to Tag all your Friends on a Facebook Status in a single click".Using this trick you can invite all your friends to view your status.This way you can get a lot of exposure if you are promoting any brand or you can invite all your friends to like your photo or status.

The technique is very simple even though the code is a little complex.This trick is currently working perfectly on Google Chrome Browser, so I recommend you to use Google Chrome while performing this trick.
  • Login to your Facebook Account on Google Chrome Browser.
  • Post A Status.
  • Then click on the time stamp of the status, so that your status will open in a separate window.
  • Now press Ctrl + Shift + J
  • Now a windows will pop out below.
  • Switch to the Console Tab and paste the below code over there and hit Enter.

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  • Ignore if you get any error and just wait for a while.
  • Within few seconds all your friends must be tagged in the status.
  • That's all friends you are done.
  • Hope you enjoyed the trick.
This script is tested and its perfectly working on Google Chrome. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hydrogen-powered cars? Get excited.

If you thought Elon Musk’s Tesla produced some of the most innovative vehicles in the world, wait until you see the new hydrogen-powered cars that were unveiled at the Los Angeles and Tokyo auto shows this month. Not only do these  hydrogen-powered vehicles boast the same sleek and futuristic styling of a Tesla, but they also have superior ranges and refueling times to those of battery-powered electric vehicles.

And that might be the biggest reason of all why hydrogen-powered cars could start entering the mainstream sooner than any of us thought – they behave much more like traditional gasoline-powered cars than do electric vehicles. They have estimated driving ranges and refueling times that resemble those of cars you already own. While it’s certainly nice that these hydrogen cars make no noise and release no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, what’s even nicer is that an automaker such as Honda is promising that it will be possible to refill its ultra-futuristic FCEV in under 3 minutes and that these cars will have a range of up to 300 miles. Compare that to your typically electric vehicle, which can take hours to charge and may not get you anywhere near 300 miles.
From a consumer standpoint, factors like “range anxiety” matter. The current knock against electric vehicles is that they have limited range, and so when the battery runs out, you’re stuck. It was, after all, why Elon Musk conducted a very public war with the New York Times earlier this year over the alleged performance limitations of the Tesla Model S.
As with any potentially disruptive technology, there’s been a firestorm of controversy as automakers cluster into camps: those who advocate a future for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and those for electric vehicles. On one side, you have Honda, Hyundai and Toyota, all of whom have been making huge bets on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. On the other side, you have Volkswagen, GM, BMW, Nissan and Tesla – all of whom who argue vociferously against the new hydrogen-powered vehicles.
While it’s a tough fight to take on the likes of Elon Musk, whom Fortune just named as its 2013 Businessperson of the Year and whom The Atlantic lumped in the same innovator category as Leonardo da Vinci, it’s equally hard to argue against the fundamental science of the hydrogen-powered car. Quite simply, the better technology deserves to win. And it’s not like a bunch of quixotic start-ups are taking on Tesla with unproven technology – we’re talking about Toyota and Honda.
Not surprisingly, the argument against hydrogen vehicles is really an argument about “sunk costs.” In other words, vehicle makers have sunk so much money into developing the technology of electric vehicles and have spent a corresponding amount of time and money developing a charging network for electric vehicles that they claim it would be a terrible mistake to attempt to recreate the same fueling infrastructure for hydrogen-powered cars. That cost argument comes up again and again, especially since there are only a limited number of places in the United States that are currently equipped to refuel hydrogen-powered vehicles.
As Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn recently pointed out, this is the problem that has bedeviled electric car makers – you need a nationwide charging network for the cars, or else nobody’s going to buy the cars. As he sees it, we’re still a long ways off until we would have enough filling stations to make hydrogen-powered cars economically viable. In October, Elon Musk said that there’s “no way” that hydrogen-powered cars will ever become a workable technology.

However, the lack of infrastructure for hydrogen cars may not necessarily be the hurdle they are making it out to be. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Hydrogen car backers, for example, argue that they can achieve economies of scale with hydrogen-powered cars by equipping huge fleets of buses first and using that momentum to build out a more robust charging infrastructure. And, to showcase the performance capabilities of these cars, Aston Martin even created a hydrogen-powered racing car — the Hybrid Hydrogen Rapide S. It’s more proof that you don’t have to sacrifice style and design when it comes to creating these vehicles. Imagine pulling up next to your neighbor’s stodgy four-door sedan with a Honda FCEV that looks like it came from the year 2033.
Ultimately, hydrogen vs. electric may end up polarizing consumers as much as the automakers themselves. Top Gear fans will endlessly debate the relative performance merits of the two types of cars, the MBAs and accountants will mull over the ROI cases for both technologies, government bureaucrats will review potential new subsidies for the cars and the people who actually want to save the environment as much as they want to drive cool cars will drill down on the underlying science of the cars’ technology. While hydrogen cars may still be some ways off from being a practical reality, it’s hard not to get excited about an automotive future that feature cars that look like they could be stars of their own science fiction movie.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Teja's Talent hunt for new faces

Tollywood cinemas trendsetter director Teja who is known well for introducing new faces in his movies is now coming up with one more movie with new faces. The same director has introduced Uday Kiran, Nitin and Reema Sen in the past. Teja is planning to direct the movie Prabhakar as the producer. Script of the new film is completed and it is expected to start the movie in December.

So, Teja is interested in conducting the star hunt for new faces. Those who were interested to be the part in Teja's film can send their Photos and Videos to "".

Sunday, November 24, 2013

NSA infected 50,000 computer networks worldwide with malware

The US’ National Security Agency reportedly hacked 50,000 computer systems globally and infected them with malware, according to the classified documents revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
The latest claims come from a digital presentation slide, which show a world map highlighting hard computer networks and ‘world-wide implants’ under the category.

CNE (Computer Network Exploitation), NSA jargon for malware infections.
According to Mashable, NSA’s elite hacker team conducted these sophisticated spy attacks on networks including the one against Belgian telecom company Belgacom that was carried out by NSA’s UK ally, the GCHQ.

The report said that CNE includes enabling actions and intelligence collection via computer networks that exploit data gathered from target or enemy information systems or networks.

The ‘implants’ act as digital ‘sleeper cells’ that can be activated with a single push of a button.
The revelations by Snowden have severely impacted US ties with its allies apart from experiencing loss of trust from its own citizens. 

Another cyclone Lehar to cross Andhra Pradesh on 28th November

Just days after being hit by Cyclone Helen, Andhra Pradesh is bracing itself to face another cyclone, Lehar, which would cross the coast on November 28, the Met office said on Sunday.

"Cyclonic storm Lehar will cross the Andhra Pradesh coast between Machillipatnam and Kalingapatnam near Kakinada on November 28," the Indian Meterological Department (IMD) said. Under its influence, rain or thundershowers would occur at many places over Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and coastal and south interior Karnataka, IMD said in its weather outlook for four days from November 27 to December 1.

At least six people were killed and crops in 1.69 lakh hectares of land damaged under the impact of Helen earlier this week. Damage caused by last month's Phailin storm in Andhra Pradesh is still being assessed.
Cyclone Lehar in the Andaman Sea and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal has underwent the first of a series of stepped-up strengthening cycles. 

According to US Joint Typhoon Warning Centre, Lehar packs howling winds clocking more than 100 km/hr with gusts of up to 130 km/hr. 

An India Met Department update early this morning said the system crossed the Andaman and Nicobar Islands just after midnight last night. 

Dense storm
Joint Typhoon Warning Centre of the US Navy located the system to 1,230 km east-southeast of Visakhapatnam after it slowed down a bit lateral speed over waters.
It said Lehar represented a dense structure and a dangerous system in the making with intensification into a very severe cyclone expected anytime today.
The storm may just be developing an ‘eye’ feature in the centre, which is indicative of a stage just ahead of strengthening. 

Odd forecast
According to the US agency, the storm will track west-northwest, which is the normal track for the movement for a cyclone system in the northern hemisphere.
But an odd projection by the UK Met Office suggests that Lehar might deviate from this path and aim at Odisha/West Bengal coast after sometime.
Consensus projections by other models maintain that the storm will intensify into peak intensity of 185 km/hr by Thursday ahead of a landfall over Andhra Pradesh coast. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Anand may lose his World Championship title today?

On Thursday, playing with whites, Viswanathan Anand suffered his third loss at the hands of Magnus Carlsen in the World Chess Championship. 

There is just half a point of difference between 22-year-old Carslen and world championship which at the moment looks certain and the Norwegian can seal the title today itself.

Anand went into the ninth game with a two-game deficit and later revealed that there was nothing else he could do but go for the kill in the ninth game on Thursday.

"In general, the match situation did not leave me with much of a choice. I had to give it a shot, I saw a couple of moments where I could exit but I decided to give it a shot. It seemed very dangerous for black," the Anand said after the match.

He said that excitement led him to commit a blunder on the 28th move.

"In a sense it was irresponsible or silly but I spent about 40 minutes on this move and then I suddenly saw his response. And for a second I got excited with this knight move (the blunder) and simply missed. As soon as I played the knight move I saw what I had done," the defending champion said.


Mangalayaan sends first pictures of Earth regarding "Helen"

 The Mars orbiter spacecraft's first images of Earth have reached Isro's Indian Deep Space Network in Byalalu, about 30km from here.

On Thursday, Isro released one image taken on November 19 which captures the Indian subcontinent. It was taken using its Mars Colour Camera (MCC) from 67,975km with a resolutionof 3.53km per pixel. The image was taken as part the payload testing activity which commenced last week.

The MCC, which is meant for optical imaging of the Martian surface, was one of the first payloads to be tested. "It's ideal to conduct a test on the functioning of all payloads before the craft leaves the sphere of Earth's influence. The MCC is working well, as indicated by the images we've received," a senior Isro official told TOI.

The tri-colour camera will send images and information about the Martian surface from September 2014 after the craft reaches its designated elliptical orbit around Mars. "The images and information will be useful to monitor the Martian weather. The camera will be used to monitor two of its satellites, Phobos and Deimos," the official said.

MCC will also provide context information for other payloads aboard MOM, another official said, adding that the testing of the four other payloads will be done next week. "Information received from other payloads may not be published as they're not of public interest. They'll be in the form of scientific data which will be released later," he said.

Here is picture from the Mars mission:

We can clearly see the Helen Cyclone coming towards Andhra Pradesh.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ISRO to put Mars Mission spacecraft into Martian orbit on December 1

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), chief Dr K Radhakrishnan on Tuesday said the Indian Mars mission spacecraft will be moved from the earth- centric orbit towards the sun-centric orbit on December 1.

“The Mars orbital spacecraft is in good health. The apogee (farthest point from earth of the spacecraft is nearly 1.93 lakh km. On the first of December, we expect to move the spacecraft from the earth’s orbit towards Mars. That’s the main action,” he said.

ISRO has successfully raised the orbit of the Mars Spacecraft for the fifth time since it launch on November 5 this year into the earth-bound orbit by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C25).
The Mars Orbiter Mission blasted off from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India's Sriharikota with the satellite scheduled to start orbiting Mars by September, searching for methane and signs of minerals.
Only the United States, Europe, and Russia have sent probes that have orbited or landed on Mars. Probes to Mars have a high failure rate and a success will be a boost for national pride, especially after a similar mission by China failed to leave Earth's orbit in 2011.

The probe's 4.5 billion rupee price tag is a fraction of the cost of NASA's (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) mission, also due to launch in November.

Analysts say India could capture more of the USD 304 billion global space market with its low-cost technology.

Even so, it has drawn criticism in a country suffering from high levels of poverty, malnutrition and power shortages and experiencing its worst slowdown in growth in ten years.
India's ties with its neighbour are marked as much by competition as cooperation. Government scientists deny any space race, but analysts say India has stepped up its programme because of concerns about China's civilian and military space technology.
With the mars mission being successful so far, Dr Radhakrishnan said: “As far as the GSLV is concerned, we are now assembling the vehicle, the first stage has been assembled already, the four strap-ons are getting ready for assembling and by December we must have the flight of GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle)-D5.

India's space programme began 50 years ago and developed rapidly after Western powers imposed sanctions in response to a nuclear weapons test in 1974, spurring scientists to build advanced rocket technology. Five years ago, its Chandrayaan probe landed on the moon and found evidence of water.
The relative prowess in space contrasts with poor results in developing fighter jets by India's state-run companies.

The Mars Orbiter Mission plans to search for methane in the Martian atmosphere, the chemical strongly tied to life on Earth. Recent measurements made by NASA's rover, Curiosity, show only trace amounts of it on Mars.

India's mission will also study Martian surface features and mineral composition.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A brief Biography on Bharat Ratna CNR Rao

Childhood and Education

C.N.R. Rao was born (June, 30, 1934) in Bangalore in a Kannada family to father Hanumantha Nagesa Rao, and mother Nagamma Nagesa Rao. Part of his high school was in the Acharya Patashala in Basavanagudi and one of the epochal events here was the love for chemistry. He completed his high school exam in first class in 1947. Armed with an early interest in science he joined Central College, Bangalore, passing BSc in first class at the age of 17. He obtained his bachelors degree from Mysore University in 1951, obtaining a masters from BHU two years later, and obtained his Ph.D. in 1958 from Purdue University. In 1961 he received DSc from Mysore University. He joined the faculty of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 1963. Dr. Rao has Honorary Doctorates from 60 Universities worldwide.


Rao is currently the National Research Professor, Linus Pauling Research Professor and Honorary President of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,Bangalore which he founded in 1989. He was appointed Chair of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister in January 2005, a position which he had occupied earlier during 1985–89. He is also the director of the International Centre for Materials Science (ICMS). 

Earlier, he served as a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur from 1963 to 1976 and as the Director of the Indian Institute of Science from 1984 to 1994. He has also been a visiting professor at Purdue University, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and University of California, Santa Barbara. He was the Jawaharlal Nehru Professor at the University of Cambridge and Professorial Fellow at the King's College, Cambridge during 1983-1984.

Rao  work on transition metal oxides has led to basic understanding of novel phenomena and the relationship between materials properties and the structural chemistry of these materials. Rao was one of the earliest to synthesize two-dimensional oxide materials such as La2CuO4. His work has led to a systematic study of compositionally controlled metal-insulator transitions. He is the author of around 1500 research papers. He has authored and edited 45 books. Rao serves on the board of the Science Initiative Group.


Professor Rao has been awarded the Padma Shri (1974) and Padma Vibhushan (1985) by the Government of India, as well as the Karnataka Ratna by the Karnataka State Government. On November 16, 2013 Government of India declared that it would confer the Bharat Ratna on Prof. Rao. He became the first recipient of the India Science Award, instituted by the Government of India, for his contributions to solid state chemistry and materials science, awarded in 2004. In 2005, he was conferred the title Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (Knight of the Legion of Honour) by France, awarded by the French Government. He is a foreign fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences.[16] He was also awarded an honorary Doctor of Science by the University of Calcutta in 2004.
Dr. Rao has also been conferred with China's top science award for his important contributions in boosting Sino-India scientific cooperation. The award was given by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in January 2013, which is China's top academic and research institution for natural sciences. He received 'Distinguished academician award' from IIT Patna in 2013.

He is a member of many of the world's scientific associations, including the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Society (London; FRS, 1982), French Academy, Japanese Academy, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Pontifical Academy.

Personal Life

Dr.Rao is married to Indumati Rao in 1960. They have two Childerns Sanjay & Suchitra. His son Sanjay Rao is engaged in popularising science in Bangalore's schools. His daughter Suchitra is married to K.M. Ganesh, the director of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) at Pune, Maharashtra.
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